The photo of this beautiful family of Dodge children is only marked as the Dodge children that Grandma Roth took care of. The photo was taken sometime between 1851-1900. The Photographer was 'Krips' of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It was found in antique store in Fredricksburg, KY. Can you help with their identification?
This pretty young lady, Cora Frances Dodge is the daughter of George S. Dodge and Arvilla Porter. She was born October 1894 in Danvers. She had a sister, Alice p. Dodge, born June 1877 in Danvers. Their parents were George S. Dodge and Arvilla Porter. George was born 03 April 1844 Wenham, Massachusetts. His parents were Levi Dodge and Matilda Babcock who married 15 Nov 1838 in Wenham. This family descends from William Dodge who arrived here in 1629.
Florence Barnes, born 1886 in England and immigrated to the US as a child. She maried George Willard Milton Dodge from Danvers. Florence descends from Richard.
All we know about this photo is that it is of J S Dodge, with a child named Nellie. |
John Maynard Dodge, born 1 Nov 1892 to Millard Fillmore Dodge and Viola Wylie. This photo was taken while he was atteding Lincoln Academy, Boothbay, Maine. His involvement included: Corporal (2), Class Track (2) Poster Committee (2)
The 3rd name down on this memorial plaque is for Francis Macomber Dodge, born 14 April 1826 to Nicholas Dodge, Fr. and Prudence Edwards - descendant of Richard. Francis died February 28, 1907