The Dodge Family Association

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The things that Dodges do.

This very beautiful vase was designed and made by Gina Thompson Patterson. Gina is a descendent of David Dodge and Maria Cole. This is a mystery Dodge line.
Another beautiful item that was designed and made by Brian Dodge of England. Brian is a woodcarver and teaches classes in woodcarving. Through DNA testing, we know that Brian is very closely related to the Dodges in this country who descend from William and Richard. Brian probably is a descendent of their brother Michael, who stayed in England, OR, a descendent of a sibling of John Dodge of Middle Chinnock, Somerset, England, who was the father of William, Richard, and Michael.
Russ Dodge, Washington, sent this photo of the boat that he races. It is a 1 Litre Inboard Limited Hydroplane. The boat is 15' 2" long and 8' 4" wide, and weighs 700 lb. Russ ran through the kilometer speed run at 100.177 last October. The boat is running close to 95 MPH in this picture. Russ was National Champion in the 1 Litre Mod Class last year. By the way, Russ is a brother of Norman Dodge who takes care of our big Dodge data bases.

This very old music book belonged to an Ambrose Dodge.

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Tours | Tour Photos | Vital Records | Wills, Deeds and Probates | What's New | Email Virus Warnings: are they Hoaxes or Real?
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