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Daniel Dodge of Edgecomb, Maine
Deed from David SOMES, JR. to Daniel DODGE

Land Records
Lincoln County, Maine
Family History Library Film #11432, Volume 149, Page 12-139

Know all men by these presents that I David Somes Jr of Edgecomb in the County of Lincoln & State of Maine, Yeoman, in consideration of Sixty five Dollars in hand paid by Daniel Dodge of New Castle in the County of Lincoln & State of Maine, Yeoman, the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge, do hereby give, grant, sell & convey unto the said Daniel DODGE his heirs & assigns forever, a certain piece or parcel of land lying & being in Edgecomb & is bounded as follows, to viz, beginning at Joseph SHERMEN Southeast corner of his land; thence Southeast eighty rods to Moses WILSON land; thence Northeast twenty Six rods to hamlock stump on the Easterly side of a gate; thence North West eighty rods by the said Daniel DODGE home lot to Joseph SHERMAN land; thence Southwest twenty Six rods to the first mentioned bound, containing thirteen acres, be the same more or less. To have and to hold the aforegranted premises to the Daniel DODGE his heirs & assigns to their use & behoof forever. And I do covenant with the said Daniel DODGE his heirs & assigns that I am lawfully seized in fee of the aforegranted premises; that they are free of all incumbrances; that I have good right to sell & convey the same to the said Daniel DODGE, & that I will warrant & defend the said premises to the said DODGE his heirs & assigns forever against the lawful claims & demands of all persons. In witness whereof I the said David SOMES Junior have hereunto set my hand & seal this twenty third day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & twenty eight. Davis SOMES Jr. & a seal. Abigail SOMES & a seal. Signed, sealed & delivered in presence of us Tho’s CUNINGHAM, Hannah SOMES. Lincoln ss May 23, 1828 then the above named David SOMES Junior & his wife acknowledged the above instrument to be their free act & deed before me Tho’s CUNINGHAM, Justice of the peace. Rec’d October 28, 1829 & entered & examined by Warren RICE Reg’r

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